I went Kanda Myoujin, one of the big shrine in Tokyo at the end of June.
Above: left-the gate of shine, middle-statue of Daikoku, kind of God, Right-water fall in shine Below:the old cafe next to the gate and showcase. |
There is a big ring made from straw which people could walk through into there.
Above-left;the main gate of shrine,right:the well where you wash Below:inside of shrine,and right side of shrine. |
Each time you visit shrine, you should wash your hands and swipe mouth at the well.
Then there is a big straw ring.. At first you should stand at the middle of it, and then start to walk like 8. You should begin your walking from lest side ring.
The straw ring is named Chino-wa. |
Left and right to the middle is the one term. Three term you should keep on walking.
I guess there are many people who do same as you. If you don't know how to do, just fallow them! Haha!
This is the ceremony for health throughout summer to autumn.
I'm not a believer of Shinto, Japanese old religion, but like almost Japanese people like, I believe something spiritual in nature. Japanese people traditionally believe there are Gods in nature.
This ceremony is kind of that. The change of season, people tend to lose their physical condition.
So Nagoshi no harai includes hope to spend the days in healthy.
Nagoshi mieans spending summer. Na is the word which shortened Nastu, summer.
Goshi means Kos, spend. No means of, Harai is that go off, brow off.
I just heard there is a Japanese sweat that the people who did it eat after this ceremony.
Minastuki is the name of it.
If you are interested, take a look a link showed.
The white parts means ice, Azuki, Japanese sweat beans are on the top.
Azuki is believed to ward off bad luck.
This is that people has kept doing from myth era.
If you want to go, please check this link. Next time is in December.
It's ok not join is, just take pictures.
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